Monday, February 21, 2011

Dwight is Warming Up

The snow has melted (for now) and things are heating up here at Dwight Mission. Registrations are coming in, summer staff are being hired, and guest groups are coming out to help get camp ready for summer. During December, our ping pong shelter's roof was torn apart by some tremendous wind. Jerry and the guys have worked on getting the entire roof down in order for a group from Rock Prairie Presbyterian Church in Janesville, WI to see about putting a new roof up. This group is also doing other work projects around site, and we are very grateful to have them. If you have a group from your church or another organization that is looking for a mission project close to home, please remember us, as we are in the process of a plan to renovate the lodging facilities we have on site. Part of this plan has already started with First Presbyterian in Ponca City helping with two rooms in the Guest Lodge. We have one more room that is available for renovating, please contact our office for more information.

Dwight Mission is also looking for stories from those who Dwight has had a impact on their lives. We are looking for short stories that detail how Dwight Mission played an important role in your life. These stories will be featured on our website, facebook, newsletters, and other media in allowing others to see how Dwight Mission has played a significant role for so many lives, and how we continue to do so today. If you have a story you would like to submit, please email it to along with your name and address.

Enjoy the weather as we are starting to warm up and begin to once again hear birds singing and see flowers blooming, Spring will be here before we know it.

Elizabeth Sharp